Hawaii Offshore Project

​Alpha Wind Energy has made a very extensive application for Ocean Leases for two ea. 400MW projects close to the Island of Oahu in Hawaii. The projects and the technology used, will assist Hawaii in getting self-supplied with energy from renewable sources as well as manufacturing and construction jobs during the construction period of the project and O&M jobs thereafter. The application to the BOEM has been deemed complete. For more information please google “Alpha Wind Hawaii” or simply follow these links:


​Contact us

Do you have a project that requires high quality consultation? If so, do not hesitate to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. ​

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"The AWE partners each have been associated with the wind- ​and solar pv industry ​for more than 30 years and have been working ​ as consultants, project managers and technical experts ​in the international business environment."​

Alpha Wind Energy ApS

Hedemøllevej 35
​8850 Bjerringbro


CVR: 21477338

Contact us

Tel.: +45 70 20 08 60

E-mail: mail@alphawind.dk